Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Planning Ahead

It may be another warm, sunny day but here I am tucked away at my desk writing November features and planning for next year. But forward thinking is key when writing for magazines. Never mind the current season, it’s never too early to brainstorm people and events to interest readers in a few months’ time.

But back to my latest news. And there’s quite a crop. For Vale Life I interviewed the lovely watercolour artist, Joy Hawkes, for my Our Creative Vale column and The Lady has included my Storms, War and Shipwrecks review of this latest Ashmolean exhibition. My artist profile subject for Hampshire Life is Artist in Residence for the British America’s Cup team, Jeremy Houghton, whilst Buckinghamshire Life carries three of my features: Roald Dahl, Capability Brown and Local Authors. Meanwhile I’ve also interviewed Herts Open Studios artists for Hertfordshire Life and my weekly Neighbourhood News columns continue in The Bucks Herald.

Now if you’ll excuse me, despite the rising temperature, I need to get to grips with December . . .