Monday 21 January 2013

Seasonal News

Let me make it quite clear from the outset, there’s nothing that enthuses me more than seasonal weather. Snow, frost, blizzards: the harsher the better as far as I’m concerned. Yet although the wintry scene I currently view from my study window ticks all the right boxes, there’s also a drawback. You see, said climatic conditions have precluded my family from travelling to work / school. And the result? A plethora of interruptions: what am I writing, how long will it take, where are the homemade scones and did I realise that our missing Feline has been hiding in the loft?

So, quickly, before I’m disturbed yet again, here’s my latest news. 

No matter your faith or gender, please rush out (taking care on those icy roads, mind) and get hold of a copy of Sorted. It’s a men’s Christian magazine that’s packed with gutsy features and articles and I’m delighted the current issue includes my lengthy interview with Duncan Dyason who is devoting his life to helping the street children of Guatemala and Honduras. 

Closer to home, next week’s Inspiration to Write workshop (Wednesday, 30 January, 10.30am) which takes place at St Francis Hospice, Berkhamsted, still has a few places so do get in touch if you are interested in creative writing. It could be just the motivation you need.

What next? Oh, yes, did you know the Chiltern Open Air Museum is planning an Arts Festival during the first weekend of June? It’s an exciting venture and one in which I’ve been asked to take part. I’ll let you have more details as soon as they are finalised.

Also, Rebeccah Giltrow recently interviewed yours truly. If you care to click the link on my website, you can read browse my responses.

Finally, I’ve submitted two commissioned articles to Buckinghamshire Life. And if you fancy a moment of amusement please check out my A Write Life! blog on Hertfordshire Life's website and my alter ego, Lady Margaret Gosworthy-Pringle who blogs for Hampshire Life.

Now, before either my husband, daughter or pets interrupt me, I’ll just crack on with some writing . . .