Monday, 22 April 2013

A Break from Duties

I am writing this during a brief break from Berkhamsted Writing Competition duties where the breadth of topic and style of the hundreds of entries leaves me quite breathless. Indeed, imagination is such a blessing. Not that I can say any more until the judging is complete so I must ask for your patience until the prize giving ceremony in June.

Yet numerous other duties and events have been occupying my attention of late. Only last week I attended a book launch where Chiltern Writers member, Teri Terry, talked about the second of her immensely successful trilogy, Fractured. She will be appearing at the June meeting of Chiltern Writers and anyone interested in writing for teenagers is welcome to come along.

On the subject of CW, I have now discharged my 3 year secondment as Chair and, with 6 years of Committee duties behind me, rescinded my responsibilities at the recent AGM. I confess, I’m rather looking forward to turning up to meetings without a care or forethought.

Now, what else? Oh yes, my feature about St Mary’s, Wendover, along with the delightful series of annual concerts, Wendover Music, was featured in the April edition of Buckinghamshire Life magazine. My blogs for Hertfordshire Life and Hampshire Life continue to offer a splattering of mirth and I have a number of imminent interviews. Actually, one is very imminent so please excuse me while I grab my notebook and a brace of HB’s . . .